Thursday, February 26, 2015


Behold! The AmeriCool WPW-4000! This is one of those commercial portable air conditioning units that works efficiently to a place with a water output. A hot warehouse comes to mind as a place that I've personally used units such as this in. This water cooled commercial air conditioner works as a spot or room cooling apparatus. This is essential for use on machinery or a hot day. Either way, this is an awesome machine and I'd recommend using it in this hot and dry California weather.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cooling a Small Room

Server rooms come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Sometime very small rooms contain the most important equipment your business needs to operate. Small server room cooling is vital to protecting your most valuable assets. Your digital files. Servers and other computer equipment run best at cooler temperatures. For some small rooms, sometimes a rack mounted air conditioner is all you need. Especially if you only have a rack mounted computer server. The rack mounted unit will keep your machine running cool. Computers generate a lot of heat that can lead to over exhaustion to your machine. Keep it cool with a solid server room air conditioner.