Thursday, February 26, 2015


Behold! The AmeriCool WPW-4000! This is one of those commercial portable air conditioning units that works efficiently to a place with a water output. A hot warehouse comes to mind as a place that I've personally used units such as this in. This water cooled commercial air conditioner works as a spot or room cooling apparatus. This is essential for use on machinery or a hot day. Either way, this is an awesome machine and I'd recommend using it in this hot and dry California weather.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cooling a Small Room

Server rooms come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Sometime very small rooms contain the most important equipment your business needs to operate. Small server room cooling is vital to protecting your most valuable assets. Your digital files. Servers and other computer equipment run best at cooler temperatures. For some small rooms, sometimes a rack mounted air conditioner is all you need. Especially if you only have a rack mounted computer server. The rack mounted unit will keep your machine running cool. Computers generate a lot of heat that can lead to over exhaustion to your machine. Keep it cool with a solid server room air conditioner.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Keeping My Data Center Cool

In the past, I've used almost everything to keep my data center at a cooler temperature. I've used fans, fans plus buckets of ice, a central ac unit, even resorted to shutting down for a day when it got too hot. Summer is just around the corner and I'd thought I'd shed some light on the subject.

Portable data center air conditioner

Boom! They are amazing pieces of equipment that every technology company needs to have a ready supply of. For computer room cooling, they work great. Spot cooling a hot machine? It does that too. Is your server room feel more like a sauna? Portable AC units work great for server room cooling as well. Please do yourself a favor, and protect your technology by keeping your machines cool. They will run much longer and much more efficient.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

4 Ways to Install Americool WMC-2500

Did you know that there are 4 install options on Americool's WMC-2500? The WMC-2500 is one of their most versatile commercial portable air conditioner in their very extensive lineup and one of their most affordable. Whether you need to keep your work shed cool during the summer, spot cool a specific machine in your shop, or us it as a portable air conditioner for data center, the WMC-2500 is a great air conditioner for all kinds of uses.

Now I did mention there are 4 installation options for this great machine.

  1. Portable Installation
    • 4 casters fit underneath the machine's sturdy frame making it easy to roll around. 
  2. Rack Installation
    • Easily fits and mounts to computer server racks
  3. Hanging Installation
    • Can easily hang securely from the ceiling of your office, keeping it out of the way. 
  4. Stacking Installation
    • When one isn't enough, stack them up to double your cooling output. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Resolutions - Keep your Server Room Cooling System Cool

The year 2015 is here! Even though it is cold outside, it is not to early to start thinking about the heat around the corner. Especially in California, you never know when the heat will rise. Be sure that the server room air conditioner is running proper to avoid over heating your servers. Computer room cooling is one of the most important elements to keeping a server room running at its peak performance efficiency. The goes the same with server room cooling. It's important. Don't let the cold months fool you. Keep on top of your equipment to ensure a long lasting performance.